Up before daylight. We were served boiled sweet potatoes for breakfast, with hot sugar water to drink. Walked down the hill to see the Zambezi River. It is a very large river, beginning in Congo, down through Zambia, and then turning east and forming the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe. Finally, it cuts across Mozambique and continues east into the Indian Ocean. Just before we drove off, we called together those who were there (mostly women) and read Joshua 1:8-9.

Drove to the next river and crossed over by ferry. On to Caia, arriving about 1 PM. They were waiting for us. We were supposed to be with them all day Wednesday, but Pedro kept adding churches to our schedule earlier in the week. They sang a couple of songs, I spoke for about 10 minutes using 1 Corinthians 15:58, then Dionisio apologized profusely for the brevity of the stop – told them that Pedro had stolen their time, and we would be back another time to see them.

As we were pulling out, they came running after us and said to please wait, they wanted to give us a gift. A man disappeared and came back a minute later with a chicken (live). So we made the trip home with an extra passenger in the car!

We left at about 2 PM, and 300km later we arrived home, about 7:30 PM, after seven days, seven churches, two leadership conferences, and eleven sermons each.

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