Advancing the Kingdom of God with a focus on the Binga District in Zimbabwe

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Heart & Mind Partnership serves as a resource for the churches in Zimbabwe. Our focus is on the Binga district of Zimbabwe, among the Tonga people. In addition to Biblical training and leadership training, we partner with people who have a vision and plan for sustainable business projects that promote the kingdom of God but who lack seed money to get started.

We work within existing relationships with leaders whose ministries demonstrate hearts of servant-leadership. Our goal is to replace ourselves with ministry leaders from Binga through mentoring and empowering local leaders. Our passion for Christ and his Word are displayed in our organizational values.

Our History

Paul’s maternal grandparents, W.N. and Delia Short, arrived in what is now Zimbabwe in 1921 and spent 59 years there sharing the gospel, planting churches and training gospel workers, until their passing in 1980. Paul’s mother was born and raised there, and Paul, Alabama (USA) born and raised, lived and ministered in Zimbabwe in a local church from 1975-1980.

When Paul returned to the US in 1980 his heart remained in Africa. In recent years God has opened the door for Paul, along with Melonie, to go to Zimbabwe to serve in new capacities.

Melonie is a native of Jamaica and has fallen in love with the people of Africa. Melonie is gifted to minister to individuals and has a great impact through her quiet teaching, encouraging and counseling. Her passion for anything related to food, and her knowledge of the nutritional and healing properties of plants open ministry doors.

Purpose, Beliefs & Values

Our purpose at Heart & Mind Partnership is to advance the kingdom of God with a focus on Africa, by assisting leaders with whom God has placed us in a relationship and whose ministries demonstrate hearts of servant-leadership.


  • We believe in one eternal God who has no beginning and no end. All things were created by the power of His Word, accomplish His purposes, and show His glory.
  • We believe God is perfectly loving, righteous and just, and is the only source of love, goodness and justice.
  • We believe Jesus of Nazareth is the unique son of God, a human being; the Word of God in a human body. He lived a sinless life, died, and was resurrected by God on the third day, as foretold by the prophets. He ascended bodily to God’s presence and will return again to judge all mankind.
  • We believe the gift of God is eternal life for all who seek His face but that the wicked will be punished with eternal death. God is seeking those who love justice, practice mercy and live humbly before Him. All who put their trust in the life, death and resurrection of Jesus are born of God into a new creation, with a living hope; filled with the holy Spirit of God, and made to be children of God.
  • We believe God will bring into being a new heaven and a new earth, filled with righteousness. God Himself will dwell with His people and there will be no brokenness, suffering or death.
  • We believe that through Jesus of Nazareth we find in God our purpose in being, our significance and our reward. He alone is our strength, our refuge and our comfort. In Him alone can we find wholeness and joy in life.


  • We work within existing relationships
  • We go where we are invited
  • We try to avoid creating dependency
  • We work through local churches and ministries
  • We respect and honor local leaders
  • We are kingdom focused, not denomination focused

What We Dream Of Doing

  • Vocational training
  • Church leadership training through the Binga School of Discipleship
  • Medical work
  • Building schools
  • Expanding projects to other parts of Zimbabwe

Where We Work

Heart and Mind Partnership's priority is working in Binga. We also partner with pastors and ministries throughout Zimbabwe. We work where we are invited and welcomed as Jesus instructed in Matthew 10.14

Binga, Zimbabwe

Our goal is to replace ourselves with ministry leaders from Binga through mentoring and empowering local leaders.

Our Leadership

Our Board Members (USA)

Paul _ Melonie Fudge

Paul & Melonie Fudge

Paul is a third generation Zimbabwean while Melonie is Jamaican. Both have a deep love for the people of Zimbabwe. They split their time between Binga and the USA.

Stevie & Ithie Jackson

Steve and Ithie Jackson lived and ministered in Paraguay for 40 years with Ethnos 360 before retiring to be with family in the USA. Their long experience and servant hearts bring great value to the ministry.

Our Leadership Team (Zimbabwe)

Sidyne Mavodza

Sidyne is a board member. He is the Principal of Central Africa Christian College; and also the Pastor of  Zengeza Church of Christ, in Chitungwiza

Martin Musakombeva

Martin is a board member. He is retired from Zimbabwe Ministry of Education; and serves as an Elder at the Harare Christian Church

Paul Fudge

Paul is a passionate minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ who has served in ministry, in local and international churches for five decades

Dubani Mwinde

Dubani is our coordinator in Binga. We really don’t use titles, but Dubani is the one who makes things happen and keeps us out of trouble

What others have to say

As Marondera Pastors Fraternal, we meet every first Tuesday of the month and discuss issues to do with our churches. However we were having a program of teaching pastors on becoming a good leader. Pastor GUNDE shared with us your book on leadership as we were looking for one to use and we found your book very useful and very helpful. Let me take this opportunity to thank you on behalf of the Fraternal. May God continue to bless you and give you more wisdom to do more books. Everyone here is very thankful Pastor Fudge. It is our wish if you can share with us one book every year.

Pastor Saunyama Marondera Fraternal, ZCC